Wednesday 16 March 2016

Human League Empire State Humanamsterdam 1980

From my youtube channel. Like this version as it was recorded about a month before they split into Human League MK2 and BEF/Heaven 17. It sounds like despite the upheaval they having fun,

Siouxsie and the Banshees Painted Bird Kid Jensen session

The brilliant guitar work of John Mcgeogh, This is the Kid Jensen Session version from early 1982. I actually think that some of the sessions recorded were better than some studio versions. Love the power of this track especially towards the end.


travelogue ˈtravəlɒɡ/ noun a film, book, or illustrated lecture about the places visited by or experiences of a traveller. Welcome to this site. I tried to find a name that did not sound to academic but I failed misrebaly. Anyway what is this site , well in the course of my daily/weekly web searching I come across links to musics(mostly electronic and Industrial). I have run various video blogs since 2007 but I feel its time to make something more powerful and all ecompassing. As stated I do alot of internet research as since 1998/99 and the advent of the internet and broadband it has meant alot of music from 1970-1998 that was printed or written about has been archived. I think what is on the internet is just a small fraction. So there will be an element of uploading stuff that is not on the internet. The second part is the high number of facebook groups, tumblr and various blogs I do run. So there will be plenty of links to activity of what Im posting and future projects. Thanks for looking and hope you find some intresting links and media. Thanks